Nursing and Residential Home specialising in Dementia
...bringing quality to life
West Hill, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 8BA
Telephone: 01963 33577 • Email:
Family and friends are always welcome to join the residents
Residents enjoy a wide a range of individual and group activities
Hairdressing, reflexology and other specialist therapies are available
Family and friends are always welcome to join the residents
Activities & Social life
Residents are encouraged to continue, wherever possible, and enjoy as wide a range of individual and group activities and interests as possible, both inside and outside the home, to carry on with existing hobbies, pursuits and relationships and to explore new avenues and experiences.
The Home has strong links with the local community and benefits from a regular and full programme of visits and social outings.
Family and friends are always welcome to join the residents and spend time in the relaxed atmosphere of Elroi Manor.
Health professionals, doctors, opticians, dentists and chiropodists visit frequently. Hairdressing, reflexology and other specialist therapies are available as required.